LOOK AT THIS SHIEET LOOK H0W MUCH I HAVE TO W0RK 0NZ!!!...so much to finish man so much but so little time on da handz WATDAFAKKK---- also little white asian looking guy on da right is one of the meny other characters i have lolz , it's a shame i haven't focusd on da other boys as much as i did with Carter THEY DESERVE TO SHINE 2!!! but ofcz Carter is and will always be my main man---- also a bit abt the other boy he's like this philosophical vampire (not real 1 he just dresses up as a vampire bcz.,..idk soul reaver is cool) wannabe "smart" guy but he has a motherly side to him so he doeznt act as snobby as he looks also he trains his mind and body through extreme "pain meditation " it's just straight up bdsm man eye'l be honest with ya .. ALSO HIS NAMEZ REMY!!
what do you use to draw
A crappy Russian cracked version of paint tool sai (if you need help with cracking stuff feel free to DM me )